
Who are we and why do we do the things we do?

First and foremost, we are Christians, followers of Jesus Christ. We worship in the Anglican tradition which is liturgical and is often described as an ancient faith for a modern world. We gather twice a week for worsip: on Wednesdays at noon and on Sundays at 10:45 am. Both services are characterized by two main elements: Word and Sacrament.

The Word is the Bible

God’s love letter to the world. Each week we read from four different parts of the Bible: the Old Testament, the Psalms, the New Testament and the Gospels. Our priest will then preach a sermon on one or more of these readings.

The Sacrament is Holy Communion

Also known as the Eucharist and the Lord’s Supper. Each week our priest will preside at the Lord’s table and bless the bread and the wine to be for us the body and blood of Jesus, as Jesus taught His disciples and told them to do in remembrance of Him. It’s a celebration of our reconciled relationship with God through our faith in Jesus Christ and all baptized Christians are invited to share in this holy food and drink. The words of the prayer that the priest says at communion are written in our worship booklet. Because of its corporate nature, the congregation joins in saying portions of the prayer.

We also have Music!

Our worship band leads us in singing songs and hymns that help us express our love of God. All of the words to the songs are in our worship booklet. Our worship service is based upon the ancient worship of the church.